Audio-visual installation 'VESPERS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN' (54th VENICE BIENNALE)
1st - 15th June, 2011
54th Venice Biennale
Curator: Victoria Golembiovskaya
Audio-visual installation 'VESPERS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN' directed by Oleg Kulik, video by Denis Kryuchkov, music concept by Hermes Zygott.
The presence of Oleg Kulik in Venice with his video-installation based on the Opera "Vespers of the Blessed Virgin" by Claudio Monteverdi presented at Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris, in January 2009. The idea for the installation coincides and compliments the theme of 54th Venice Biennale – “ILLUMInations”. The exhibition’s curator, Bice Curiger, conceives the theme and mission of the exhibition to spread “light” of new artistic ideas, echoing the etymological and symbolic meaning of the "illumination‟. The opera is to run concomitant with the Biennale organizers who have chosen three Tintoretto masterpieces to be included in the exhibition.
Located in the historical venue of the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, the installation will re-create the theatrical production of "Vespers of the Blessed Virgin", held in January 2009 in the Théâtre du Châtelet through a film medium. The visual concept and execution are by Oleg Kulik, the production and the direction are followed by Denis Kruchkov and the sound design is made by Hermes Zygott.
The composition of Vespro (evening prayers) originally by Claudio Monteverdi, produces a unique contemporary reading of ethical and aesthetic collisions ingrained in this piece of highly functional and confessional music. Created in the 17th century, the piece stands out as an avant-garde exploration of repetition and contrast previously unexplored by composers. The production allows audiences to experience Monteverdi's masterpieces in spazio-aureo and visual manifestations. The play was an attempt to reproduce the ancient ritual of the liturgy with the aid of new technologies. The installation will allow viewers to become immersed in the atmosphere of a theater production by being surrounded with a multi-channel videos projected onto the screens and ceiling of the beautiful Ground Floor Hall of Scuola Grande di San Rocco.
Tintoretto’s approach to painting is notable for his brilliant ability to combine religious imagery and that of everyday life through bold use of perspective, collapsing sacred spaces into real structures of the painted surface - the bricks and mortar. Tintoretto was especially gifted at conveying dramatic compositions while making them accessible to a wide audience. Similarly, Monteverdi’s monumental musical composition Vespro della Beata Vergine, created in 1610, combines secular music into its religious performance. Despite its vast scale and the incorporation of varied musical forms, such as sonata, motet, hymn, and psalm, the Vespers offer many poignant and intimate moments that are only further highlighted by Oleg Kulik’s teams visual orchestration and execution.
Essentially the Vespro della Beate Vergine installation is the study of a new genre, the genre of liturgy (“common cause” in Greek), the genre we could define today as the “ritual addressed to the Ultramundane”. This project is a study of sacred spaces existing since ancient times, an attempt to examine this kind of human activity as contemporary art, that would paradoxically combine the world of Tradition and integral perception of life, and the world of new technologies. The fusion of – Monteverdi and Tintoretto – at la Scuola di St. Rocco would give contemporary means of representation an atemporal context of the vertical outlook. The 31st of May - on the date of Tintoretto’s death 417 years ago we Present our project as a tribute to the master of the Renaissance.
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